Đorđe Popović

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Kako banke i savremeni monetarni sistem stvaraju novac bez pokrića?


Multiplikacija kredita i depozita krajnje je, u najmanju ruku, sumnjiva šema kroz koju banke stvaraju novac iz ničega. Zahvaljujući virtuelnom novcu stvaraju realne dugove i ekstra profit.

Da bi razumeli šemu evo jednog uprošćenog primera:

Zamislite da imate 1.000€  viška i uložite ga u banku.

Istovremeno neka druga osoba (osoba A) želi da kupi TV plazmu od osobe B, međutim nema novca, te uzima kredit od banke u iznosu od 1.000 € (vaš novac) i uplaćuje osobi B taj novac na njen račun u banci.

Toga trenutka dogodila se apsurdna situacija. Sada i vi i osoba B imate po 1.000 € na računu (ukupno 2.000), a stvarnog novca u banci je samo 1.000 €.

Pogledajte film, koji na interesantan i plastičan način objašnjava kako funkcioniše današnji bankarski sistem, kuda sve to vodi i na kraju daje predlog reforme monetarnog sistema koji možda spase svet.

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Specijalni dodatak filmu – Ekonomska predvidjanja globalne ekonomije Med Jonesa

Med Jones se smatra jednim od najboljih i najpouzdanijih svetskih ekonomskih eksperata čija su se predvidjanja ekonomskih tokova mahom obistinila. Najpoznatiji je po svojem predvidjanju velike ekonomske krize u Americi i svetu 2007-e godine. Pročitajte par njegovih teza i predvidjanja svetskih ekonomskih tokova sa početka ove godine.


Wall street experts predictions for 2011 – Med Jones  www.medjones.com


New World Order – US and the West will Decline, China and Asia will rise. However US will not turn into a third world or a poor country .

There is a real risk that by the time the US economy recovers from this financial crisis, they will enter another crisis driven by the much less publicised social security, medicaid and medicare debt and the burden of ageing baby boomers along with unmanageable national debt, large consumer debt and a real risk for a currency crisis.

Economies that have high Debt-to-GDP ratio with high budget, trade and investment deficits will continue to struggle and will suffer even more if they do not reform soon. The list of economies includes the US, UK, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Iceland, Latvia and others. On the other hand, China, India, Australia, Brazil, and the GCC weathered the storm much better than the US and Europe.

I’m not worried about the oil prices at this time, but if the hot summer flare between Israel and Iran or if the US war lobby wins next year, the risk to the global economy is very high. The whole world will suffer not only US. The oil prices could easily rise 50% to $150 or even more depending how bad and how long is the conflict will take. I have no doubt that the US and the EU will enter another recession and my worst fears, the a sharp rise in oil prices could spark hyperinflation and send us into depression and possible currency collapse.

From a long term point of view, in addition to the BRICs, in Asia, I’m optimistic about South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam Philippines, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. In the Middle East, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey. In Latin America, I like Mexico and Argentina. In Africa, I like Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa

The only caution I have is that on the path of growth, there will be bubbles and investors have to be careful of them. Some will bet on their failure as the bubbles bursts, but they will eventually recover.

These countries (include BRICs) are part of the emerging New World Order. I would not be surprised if we count some of them among the leading economic powers in the next two decade.


Novac kao dug – Money as Debt – Part 1



Novac kao dug – Money as Debt – Part 2

