Zlatko Šćepanović

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Vulkansko ostvro Santorini – raj za mlade i one koji se tako osećaju


santoriniOstrvo Santorini je zaštitni znak Grčke. Poznato po svom bajkovitom izgledu, blješteće belim kućicama sa nebesko plavim krovovima, vratima i prozorima, naslonjenim na strme obale ostrva, puno stepeništa i cveća, svetlih i tamnih plaža sa vulkanskim kamenjem, zanimljivih uvala i vidikovaca, taj mikro arhipelag vulkanskih ostrva je decenijama već omiljeno stecište mladog sveta sa svih meridijana. Jedno od najromantičnijih mesta na svetu, koje je postalo popularno mesto za venčanja.

Nikada nisam bio na Santoriniju ali me jako privlači zbog reljefa i izgleda. Ne zbog venčanja, ako vam je to palo na pamet, to sam već zauvek i jednom za svagda obavio u Beogradu. Privlači me zbog ambijenta, panorame i horizonta koji vam se odslikava u očima sa svakog mesta na tom zanosnom ostrvu. Stvarno me zbog toga zove. Čist i nepomućen zov prirode.

Mučim se decenijama sa težinom. I nisam kriv, ona nekako nikako da se smanji, ni sama od sebe ni uz pomoć moje volje. Odnosno, smanji se ponekad kada se baš, baš zainatim, ali se brzo i vrati. posle nekog vremena. Dok sam se bavio sportom kao mladić, nije bilo problema sa njom. Sada, u sjajnim četrdesetim ona nikako da spadne i održi se na makar koliko toliko razumnim merama. Rekoh već, uspevam ponekad, jednom u dve godine, uz velike napore i odricanja, ali se već nakon pola godine ta naporna težina i vrati nazad.

I što ste stariji, organizam vam sve više traži hedonizam, kao reakciju na stres kojim ste izloženi i zbog sve većeg manjka jakih živaca, koji se godina samo tanje i postaju sve brži u reakcijama. A i društvo gurmansko vas podstiče u tome, i rešenja nigde.

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SANTORINI 2Ove godine smo porodično letovali u Grčkoj sa porodicom mog brata. Na žalost, ne baš u Santoriniju. Pre letovanja, moj brat je uspeo da ozbiljno smrša skoro 30 kilograma uz naporan trening i kontrolisanu ishranu. Bili smo sličnih dimenzija. I dok smo mi ostali neumereno jeli u hotelu koji je bio All inclusive, on je vredno vežbao i skromno se hranio, spartanski svima davao primer odlučne discipline i posvećenosti.

Ipak, nije se znalo ko je koga više žalio u toj situaciji, da li mi njega zbog ranog ustajanja i treniranja, zbog odricanja od bogatstva grčke kuhinje ili on nas zbog dugog spavanja, prejedanja i dobijanja dodatnih kilograma, praćenih lamentiranjem o nedostatku kondicije, visokom holesterolu, pojasu oko stomaka.

Tog 28 avgusta uveče, u jednoj sjajnoj grčkoj poslastičarnici, pojeo sam 5 maaaaalih, ali baš malih orijentalnih kolača božanstvenog ukusa. Bili su fenomenalni, iako sastavljeni samo od brašna, šećera, šećernog sirupa, oraha, pistaća i malo aroma. Gledajući moju ekstazu sa kolačima, žena se zamislila i rešila da preduzme nešto, jer nastavim li ovim putem, crno mi se piše.

I tako je moja divna, draga i angažovana supruga rešila da preduzme ekstremne mere po pitanju moje težine. Videla je i zna da su kod mene čuda moguća sa težinom. Mogu da smršam kad hoću. Dokazao sam joj to nekoliko puta do sada. Ali neću baš uvek i ne održim se na razumnim proporcijama. Nemam motivaciju.

Ponudila mi je nešto iznenadjujuće. Opkladu! S obzirom da sam stalno nešto pominjao da bih voleo da odem na Santorini, jer sam to propustio kada mi je bilo vreme, kao student, rešila mi je da mi ispuni želju, ako ja ispunim njenu veliku želju. Poslaće me samog na Santorini sledeće godine o njenom trošku, ako smršam do odredjene razumne i dohvatljive granice od 20 kilograma za 8 meseci, i sledeća 4 meseca tu težinu i održim. Ups! Zahtevan predlog.

Vredi li se potruditi?


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Places to visit on Santorini

By: Ling Tong

SANTORINI 3When you look at the extensive list of things to do on Santorini and the many sights to see, you will realize why this is one of the most famous of the Greek islands. It is located in the Aegean Sea, about 63 miles north of Crete, making it the most southern of the Cycladic islands. You can get to this island by air from Athens – a flight of about 40 minutes – or by ferry from just about all of the Greek islands. The ferry ride will take about 8 to 12 hours depending on the port of departure.

If you like visiting archaeological sites, you will see some of the best on the island of Santorini. Tow major civilizations left their mark on this island, one of which is prehistoric. Visit the prehistoric city of Akrotiri, which is one of the most important prehistoric archeological sites in all of Eastern Europe. It is not only well preserved, but through the numerous findings scientists have been able to assemble an extensive look at the lives and culture of these people. The other site of importance to archaeology is Ancient Thera, where an ancient Greek civilization carved out a city from the limestone rocks of Mesa Vouno. This civilization was the largest urban site in the world from about the 9th century until the spread of Christianity.

There are many museums on the island that tell the stories of its past. Here you can get a glimpse into what made Santorini into the island it is today. The Museum of prehistoric Thera contains the artifacts that have been uncovered at this archaeological site. The paintings, for example, rival those found in the Acropolis. In Fira, the Archaeological Museum houses many artifacts from all parts of the island, such as sculpture collections and clay pottery. Visit a cave house that dates back to the mid-1800’s when you visit the Folklore Museum in the Kontohori section of Fira. Watch the artisans at work at th3eir craft, visit an old winery and an art gallery featuring the works of local artists. Learn the history of wine making on the island with a visit to the Wine Museum and see the many pieces of artwork on display at the Art Space Cultural Center.

Santorini Perissa beachIn the center of the island there are two small islands, which collectively go by the name of The Volcano. They are active volcanoes and the youngest in the Eastern Mediterranean region. There are several hiking trails that will take you around the island. The longest of these is from Fire to Oia and takes about three hours. Take a sea excursion to visit the Volcano, which will also take you to Thorassia and Oia. One of the best ways to see the island is to take a coach tour on a day long trip and has guided tours of specific locations included.

The beaches of the island are spread out, but are mainly located along the eastern and southeastern coasts. Each beach has its own unique qualities with sandy shores where you can stretch out and soak up the sun’s rays. There are numerous restaurants and cafes in virtually every part of the island and the shopping in Fira is next to none. Here you will find quaint stores, and large department stores as well as outdoor markets. If you are looking for shopping of a more ethnic variety, then the stores of Oia have local crafts and works of art at unbelievable prices.


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