The Metabolic Therapy principles 

The Metabolic Therapy indicates a whole range of medical therapies based on the idea that many diseases are essentially caused by a deficiency in vitamins.


The Metabolic Therapy - principles and the treatment of malignant tumoursThe estimated number of vitamins is over 30,000 and only a small part was thoroughly studied.

In some “alternative” private hospitals (SEE ATTACHMENTS N. 3 of this E-Book ) many chronic-degenerative diseases are treated with this therapy: cancer, leukaemias, AIDS, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, allergies, food intolerances, osteoporosis, etc.

In the Metabolic Therapy high doses of vitamin are given not only orally but also intravenously, such as in the case of cancer (Laetrile, Elemene, vitamin C, etc…)

Vitamin “Laetrile” intravenously: Morrone J.: Chemotherapy of inoperable Cancer. Preliminary report of 10 cases treated with Laetrile, Exp. Med. Surg., 20, pages: 299-308, 1962 (SEE chapter 7 of this E-Book ). Integral Text:

Vitamin “Elemene” intravenously: Tan P.: Clinical study on treatment of 40 cases of malignant brain tumor by Elemene emulsion
injection Chin. J. Integ. Trad. Western Med, 20, pages: 645-648 (SEE Text in English and Chinese:

Neoplastons intravenously (for apoptosis of cancer),

Also in Italy this kind of Medicine has recently established itself thanks to the great commitment and genius of late doctor Valsè Pantellini, who introduced the use of vitamin C together with potassium bicarbonate and obtained very good results in more than 5,000 clinical cases.

Thanks to Father Romano Zago’s impassioned work, also the use of Aloe has recently obtained remarkable results in Italy. The plant is quite rich in vitamins which stimulate the immune system or induce the apoptosis. Other plants with the same mechanism of attack on tumours are those of the Canadian formula ESSIAC, which came in the limelight in Italy thanks to different authors.

Nowadays the Metabolic Therapy includes a number of variants, each of them named after the doctor who used it.

Substantially, however, they can all be defined Gerson-like therapies, in remembrance of the great doctor Max Gerson ((749, 750, 1360-1362, 1348, 1349, 1411), the first to understand the extreme importance for Medicine to retrive the past classical values of correct nutrition, considered not only as a preventive measure against diseases, but also as real therapeutic method for the treatment of 20th century’s main chronic-degenerative diseases. After 2,500 years he thus revived concepts and thoughts that had already been developed by the great Greek doctor Hippocrates of Cos, the founder of Western Medicine.

These metabolic therapies are very similar to one another and – according to the author of this paper – all based on the following 10 basic principles, at least as far as the treatment of malignant tumours is concerned.


First principle

Malignant tumours (cancer, sarcomas, leukaemias, lymphomas) are caused by serious genetic mutations of the cell’s DNA (chromosome aberrations). For this reason, the first cause of malignant tumours can be identified as chronic deficiencies in vitamins (their lack does not enable the body to repair the genetic damage or to induce apoptosis in affected cells), so that the treatment of these tumours must be based on the intake of high doses of vitamins to produce the spontaneous suicide (apoptosis) of tumour cells. Some of these vitamins can also be taken intravenously to increase their accumulation on tumours. The percentage of their accumulation on tumours can indeed be assessed on the basis of pharmacokinetic predictive calculations in line with the “tracer theory” of nuclear medicine and/or functional magnetic resonance imaging (1753)

Note 1: Chromosome aberrations allow correct diagnosis of certain types of lymphomas and leukaemias, clearly and univocally differentiating them from infective diseases which are quite similar to them, such as infectious mononucleosis (see chapter 17 of this E-Book)

Note 2: It is absolutely contraindicated to administer CHEMO-THERAPY to patients suffering from cancer, leukaemias, sarcomas or lymphomas, as it destroys immune defences of the body and organs themselves. Under no circumstances should this therapy be used because it does not make sense to poison the body of a patient who is already seriously ill. Besides, the Hippocratic oath itself forbids to give poison to patients.


Second principle

The keystone for the “metabolic” treatment of cancer and other malignant tumours is based first of all on the following principle: depriving the tumour of whatever feeds it . The treatment must substantially be based on removing proteins from an onocological patient’s diet, i.e. removing at least one of the essential amino acids (Leucine, Valine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Methionine, Tryptophan, Threonine, Phenylanine, Histidine) that are needed to synthesize new proteins (and consequently, new cells), because the intake of proteins would also enable tumour cell replication.

For example, a paper published in 2006 showed once again that removing even one essential amino acid only is enough to block cell replication (1738). In this work, a decision was taken to measure the level of “total proteins” in the bloodstream. If a hypoproteic diet is implemented correctly, these levels should be very low compared to normal, accettable ranges – ideally between 6.0 and 6.6 grams/100 millilitres of blood. It would then be up to the doctor in charge of the case to decide whether these levels should be pushed below the 6.0 limit. Since most foods containing all 9 essential amino acids (meat, eggs, yeast, sprouts, milk and milk derivatives) also contain vitamin B 12 (which is also necessary for cell proliferation), it was also deemed useful to measure its levels as an indirect indicator of the patient’s compliance with the hypoproteic diet. With respect to the prescribed dietary treatment, patients were considered to be compliant if they managed to keep very low vitamin B 12 levels, i.e. below 150-200 picograms/millilitre of blood.

Out of about 40 clinical cases observed by the autor since 2002, no patient has shown values below 100 picograms/millilitre of blood, most probably because the liver itself is a major supplier of vitamin B 12 if this is not part of the diet – even over periods of more than 4-5 years (as shown in medical-scientific literature).


Third principle

The keystone for the “metabolic” treatment of cancer and other malignant tumours is based on a second principle as well: giving the tumour what kills it (but without damaging the patient).

This principle is primarily based on the use of great amounts of natural vitamins with a view to taking advantage of their ability to induce the apoptosis of tumours cells and, secondarily, on the fact that natural vitamins also induce a block in tumour cell replication; furthermore, they also lead to the anti-angiogenesis of neoplastic capillaries, they prevent cancer cells from producing PIF (Proteolisis Inducing Factor) and they stop the growth of tumour cells.

Note: in order to exploit their ability to induce the apoptosis of tumour cells, SEE chapter 6 of this E-Book or )


Fourth principle

Immune response against the tumour. All these therapies use phyto-therapeutic systems (Aloe, ESSIAC, Graviola, Mistletoe) or other systems (e.g., lipopolysaccharides) to trigger leukocytes against tumour cells (SEE chapter 9 of this E-Book).

Metabolic therapies consider fever as a form of patients’ natural hyperthermia, which – similarly to the well-known hospital radiotherapy HYPERTHERMIA induced by hospital equipment – causes the spontaneous necrosis of tumour cells, as neoplastic masses are poorly vascularized and therefore particularly vulnerable to the hyperthermic effects of the fever itself. The blood values that are routinely checked in patients are, consequently, the total amount of Leukocytes, the percentage of Lymphocytes (which must exceed at least 35-40%) and the Erytrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), which must exceed at least 12 millimetres/first hour.

The immune response is guided by Lymphocytes T gamma delta, cytotoxic Lymphocytes T, Killer and Natural Killer Lymphocytes: these are outright guiding systems for a complete immune response of the patient against the tumour (starting the immune cascade). A number of scientific papers have been published on the subject (32, 61, 132, 198, 319, 373, 406, 418) ; in particular, on brain cancers (180, 351, 368); on breast cancers (11,82); on colon cancer (394); on leukaemia (67) ; on liver cancers (374); on kindney cancers (350); on lung cancers (419,500) ; on malignant melanoma (9,126). However, it has been shown that negative stress tends to curtail the immune response (591-594, 1696).


Fifth principle

Liver detoxification through vitamins with hepatoprotective activity and enemas of Coffea arabica and/or Matricaria camomilla. Vitamins must be able to provide for the elimination of toxic substances, which are purified by the liver through the bile (choleretic and cholagogic activity), without toxins being re-absorbed by the intestine (laxative vitamins). Their use is extremely important as it allows for the rapid elimination of the toxins released by tumour masses (which are inflamed and therefore larger as a result of the immune response), thus reducing the pain deriving from the tumour masses themselves. The liver plays a major role in the above-mentioned metabolic therapy. Liver transaminases SGOT and SGPT, Gamma GT and Total bilirubin were adopted as indirect indicators of the liver’s depurative activities. The enemas of Coffea arabica and/or Matricaria camomilla are important for the Gerson metod and must be carried out every day.

Of equal importance are the hepatoprotective vitamins contained in Silybum marianum, Taraxacum officinale, Smilax aspera, Cynara scolymus, Salvia officinalis, Agropyrum repens, Hyssopus officinalis and Matricaria camomilla, intake of which must never be discontinued.


Sixth principle

The metabolic therapy counters intestine DYS-BIOSIS. This therapy helps prevent the risk of disrupting the normal intestinal bacterial flora (saprophyte bacterial flora), which is responsible for the fundamental assimilation of the natural vitamins contained in vegetable foods (fruit, vegetables, cereals, legumes). As a result, it is also based on the use of intestinal milk enzymes, with a view to re-establishing the SYM-BIOSIS between human body and saprophyte germs and obtaining a good nutritional balance with vitamin assimilation.


Seventh principle

Maintaining Glycemia at low levels and avoiding glycemic peaks. Glucose is needed by tumour cells to obtain energy and replicate their DNA. In metabolic therapies, very complex dietary protocols are studied, although they all share similar approaches: frequent but small meals with hypoglycemic foods. Some doctors, above all outside Italy, also give insulin to their patients, even when the latter do not suffer from diabetes. In the study at hand no insulin was given, but the blood values of Glucose or Glycated haemoglobin were frequently analysed.


Eighth principle

Use of proteolytic enzymes. The use of proteolytic enzymes has been deemed beneficial by several authors. It is aimed to inducing greater absorption of natural vitamins at the gastroenteric level and greater immune responses against the patients’ tumour masses, as shown primarily by the Gerson Foundation (749, 750, 1348, 1349, 1360-1362, 1411).


Ninth principle

Use of specific unsaturated fatty acids instead of saturated ones. Unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 in particular) appear to improve the functionality of cell walls, thus allowing natural vitamins to easily penetrate diseased cells and induce apoptosis and other related actions, including greater absorption of glucose in patients’ cells and subsequent lower glycemic values in the bloodstream. Their effects are, however, much broader and multi-faceted, as evidenced by Pardini (1647) and Noguchi (1654).

The alpha-linolenic acid (vitamin F), for instance, is a cis-polyunsaturated fatty acid that is contained in linseed cold-pressed oil: it is transformed into EPA and DHA (Omega-3 fatty acids) and is quite effective against malignant tumours, as shown by Pardini (1647); moreover, Noguchi has proved that Omega-3 fatty acids, unlike Omega-6 fatty acids, help reduce tumour masses, although Omega-6 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids, too (1654).


Tenth principle

Sodium/Potassium balance. The use of Potassium and Magnesium plays a vital role. In particular, the use of Potassium has already been discussed by several authors (1348, 1349, 1411) who followed Gerson’s studies. The behaviour of human cells resembles more that of granules in a Potassium-Sodium Exchange than that of simple water pockets. In this context, Magnesium, Germanium (269), Selenium, Iodine and Silicium are fundamental minerals, too. Conversely, the smallest possible amount of Sodium must be taken (749, 750, 1348, 1349, 1360-1362, 1411).

NOTE: the Metabolic Therapy is NOT Complementary or Alternative Medicine but simply Evidence Based Medicine. In particular, it is NON-Pharmaceutical Medicine, as it is free from the commercial interests of chemo-pharmaceutical Drug Multinationals.


Case histories

Very interesting is the comparison between the METABOLIC THERAPY and modern antitumour therapies, which are all based on Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Surgery.

As far as Gerson or Gerson-like therapies are concerned, a few useful LINKS are listed here below. Today the Gerson therapy is recognized by the American government. It is perhaps the most known therapy, above all in America ( Famous is the scientific study conducted in 1995 on 153 patients suffering from malignant melanoma, which demonstrated percentages of remission much higher than those obtained with conventional therapies (40% of surviving patients as against 6% with Chemotherapy).

Here are some data regarding other doctors who adopted Gerson-like techniques.

Binzel E.P.: “Alive and Well”. In 1994, professor Binzel published the results obtained by treating his patients between 1974 and 1991. Out of 180 patients suffering from primary cancer (not metastasized and circumscribed to one single organ or tissue), 131 were still alive in 1991, when the report was published. In that year, 58 patients had been followed for 2-4 years, whereas 80 for 5-18 years. Out of the 42 patients who died in 1991, 23 died of cancer, 12 of “unrelated causes” and 7 of “unknown causes”. Among patients with metastasization, 32 out of 108 died of cancer, 6 of “unrelated causes” and 9 of “unknown causes”. Out of the 61 patients who were still alive in 1991, 30 had been followed for 2-4 years, 31 for 5-18 years.

Also the late German doctor Hans Nieper gathered data about approximately 1,000 cases (

Doctor Catherine Kousmine is also well renowned. She studied many other diseases, above all Multiple Sclerosis, and documented more than 600 cases. Kousmine, Catherine:;

The great Russian doctor TH. Inosmettzeff worked at the Tsar’s court and in 1844 documented his first two cases of patients with cancer who were cured by using Laetrile (vitamin B17). His work is available in German at:

On the Laetrile, SEE also Rossi and Guidetti (1966) with150 clinical cases:


Other doctors who applied Gerson-like therapies:

Alvarez , MD
Andrade, Gustavo MD.
Beals, Paul M.D.
Brodie, Douglas MD
Bormann, Carolyn , MD Europa Institute of Integrated Medicine;
Bradford, Robert, MD
Burzynski, Stanislaw R. M.D.
Callebout, Etienne, M.D. London, England
Castillo Ramos , MD
Dorman, MD
Edelson, Stephen M.D.
Forror, Kenneth M.D.
Forsythe, James M.D.
Gonzales, Nicholas James ( ; )
Guidetti Ettore , MD.
Hoffer Abram, M.D. CANADA,
Hopper Douglas,
Howard Straus, M.D.
Inosmetzeff ;
Issels Joseph. MD, Germany
Keller, Helmut Stella Maris Clinic in Mexico.
Kroiss, Thomas, M.D. in Vienna, Austria
Manner Harold, MD, Harold Manner Center
Nagourney, Robert M.D.
Pauling Linus
Pesic, Milan M.D. (Germany)
Privitera, James M.D
Revici, Emanuel M.D., Revici Life Science Center,
Richardson, John “Laetrile case Histories; the Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience” ( )
Rizov, Vladimir M.D.,
Rodriguez, Rodrigo M.D.
Rossi Domenico M.D.,
Roundtree, Robert M.D., Robert C. Roundtree, M.D.,
Rowen, Robert M.D.
Rubio, Geronimo MD
Schachter, Michael B. M.D.
Stoff, Jesse M.D., Immune Therapies International (ITI).
Tasca, Marco M.D., )
Taylor, Lawrence, MD Lawrence H. Taylor, M.D.,
Waisbren, Burton, M.D.
Watayo, Takaho, M.D. Tokyo
Yoshihiko, Hoshino, M.D. Tokyo

Although this high-dose vitamin therapy is based on specific scientific and medical knowledge, it has been relegated to the field of “alternative” therapies owing to the commercial interests of chemo-pharmaceutical lobbying groups: the question raised by the use of Laetrile for cancer treatment in the ’70s in the USA is an example of that (SEE chapter 7 of this E-Book).

The European Commission (Internal Market, Tourism and Consumer Protection sections of the European Union) has recently presented a proposal of a directive concerning vitamin integrators, natural and nutritional products in the European Union (SEE chapter 1 of this E-Book).


The European Commission essentially wants to:

1) limit strictly maximum doses of vitamin and mineral allowed in integrators (article 5 of the proposal for directive);

2) eliminate from the market all sources of vitamins and minerals which are not contained in a restricted list of “allowed chemical substances”;

3) eliminate herbal products from free marketization in Europe, with the obligation to be registered as “herbal traditional medical products” (proposal of the Commission for a directive concerning herbal traditional medicines – 3th draft, May 2001);

4) prohibit information about preventive and curative properties of vitamins and herbs, by declaring this information illegal if connected in any way with a product.

For information about these 4 points, see:;;;;,

Author’s proposals concerning the Metabolic Therapy

The Civil Society should understand that if the METABOLIC THERAPY – here shortly summarized – were really accepted and promoted, it would bring considerable advantages in the health service.

A programme consisting of 4 points is here proposed:

1) Acceptation of the above-mentioned 12 principles, considering, however, some necessary “flexible” uses of specific methods applied by single doctors or groups of doctors, which – in any case – are based on right diet and foster a real Italian Organic Farming, in order to make this therapy little expensive and affordable for every Italian family.

2) Request to the European Government to prohibit every kind of GMO food cultivation or importation, which causes the failure of Metabolic Therapies in the treatment of chronicdegenerative diseases such as malignant tumours (Cancer, Leukemias, etc…), benign tumours and other diseases affecting a vast share of the Italian population (Adult diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, etc…)

3) Request to the European Government to control and defend the national territory against the criminal abuse of illegal and toxic dumps which – by poisoning soil and water – will hinder us from  1) feeding population with clean organic food and water 2) curing chronic-degenerative diseases (see principle no. 3).

4) Public or private Histological Diagnosis Centres should be able to regularly research and identify GMO transgenic Retroviruses (or at least some of them, such as the S35 CaMV Promoter – Cauliflower Mosaic Virus – in human neoplasias which were surgically removed from patients only recently, as GMOs pose a serious threat to our health (SEE chapter 8 of this E-Book).

In this way they could possibly prove that GMO Multinationals are directly responsible for the onset of human tumours among the Italian population. Note: these transgenic retroviruses must be differentiable from “natural” ones (SEE chapter 2.22 of this E-Book)

Therefore it is necessary to have the exact genetic code of all GMO retroviral promoters which are obtained in the laboratory and then patented in order to allow for GMO food marketing.

Consequently, a legal assessment against any kind of industrial secrecy concerning GMOs is needed. The term “commercially confidential” used on some documents is a way of not letting people know about them. This goes against the recommendations of the Aarhus Convention, which is an agreement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe linking the environment
to human rights.

Source: The book Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy, author Giuseppe Nacci, M.D