Proteins and Intestinal Disbiosis – Allergies, Autoimmune diseases, Malignant tumours

Many people still believe that PROTEINS have to be eaten every day in great quantity. This is not true and could make different diseases: allergies, asthma, food intolerance, cancer



Proteins and Intestinal Disbiosis - Allergies, Autoimmune diseases, Malignant tumoursPROTEINS are made of approximately 20 amino acids. Nine amino acids out of these 20 are called ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS; since our body is not capable of synthesizing them it needs to assimilate them from food. These ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS are Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Histidine, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, and Threonine (Arginine in children).

Without the external supply of these NINE ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS from food, the body is not capable of building these PROTEINS. The 9 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS must be present in cells all together at the same time to interact with the biological systems controlling the production of the various required PROTEINS, in the time span of about one hour.

If one of the essential amino acids is not present, cells will not be able to build the required PROTEINS. Therefore, the remaining 8 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS will be used as a source of energy (Kilocalories).

With PROTEINS, every cell in the human body is replaced by a new one, in a period of eleven months. Indeed, PROTEINS are used to build new cells and tissues, and to repair body organs. We can find the 9 essential amino acids in MEAT, FISH, EGGS, MILK and dairy products

Fruit and Vegetables contain few of the essential amino acids.

Cereals and legumes contain up to 7-8 essential amino acids, but the complete range of 9 essential amino acids is never contained in any of them.

Usually, cereals do not contain Lysine, and legumes do not contain Methionine. However, if we eat LEGUMES and CEREALS in a time span of about one hour, we will give our body all 9 essential amino acids. Besides, cooking traditions all over the world have always associated cereals to legumes as a sort of “meat for the poor”.

In the Eastern countries rice, a CEREAL, was consumed with soybean, a LEGUME. In the Western countries wheat, a CEREAL, was consumed with bean or peas, that is LEGUMES.



Thus, PROTEINS are of vital importance for sustenance.

Without PROTEINS, children cannot grow up and develop properly. That’s why, in mammals, evolution invented MILK, a sort of “LIQUID MEAT”: a newborn calf can become a steer in very few months, just by drinking milk from the cow…

However reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish invented EGGS as a source of PROTEINS, that are essential for their young to develop as embryos as well. EGGS are a supply of PROTEINS ready for use.

Many people still believe that PROTEINS have to be eaten every day in great quantity (at least 60 grams per day). This is not true: many patients manage to heal from very severe forms of chronic-degenerative diseases just by completely suspending the supply of all 9 essential amino acids for many months, obviously under the supervision of a doctor, in order not to have severe forms of protein malnutrition due to lack of food (see for example blood tests searching for “Total Proteins”, “Albuminemia”, “Pre-albuminemia”, etc…).

Indeed, apart from forms of life such as fish, reptiles and birds, that still use EGGS, it has been shown that PROTEINS (MILK) are only constantly needed in young mammals. This explains why all mammals suckle their offspring until weaning, after which they stop feeding them with milk. No MAMMALS feed on MILK after weaning, apart from humans. It is strange that humans still use cow’s, goat’s or other mammals’ MILK even at an adult stage, when they do not need it any more.

At the moment, many doctors, including the writer of this book, believe that MILK and dairy products are a source of diseases if eaten by adults, or at least they cause damage to the biochemistry of our cells.

This is because MILK is a rich source of PROTEINS.

Similarly, they believe that the continuous daily supply of PROTEINS, although from different types of food (EGGS, MEAT, FISH) causes damage to our health. In fact, doctors usually agree that, in adults, eating very few proteins or even avoiding having all 9 essential amino acids (from which our body can build PROTEINS in about one hour), is linked to the absence of chronic-degenerative diseases, and therefore to a longer life expectancy. It is still thought in Universities that the minimum daily requirement for adults is 60 grams of PROTEINS for an individual weighing 70 kg, when, actually, the “security” daily dose is significantly lower (10-20 grams of PROTEINS or less).

When the gut needs to metabolize great quantities of proteinic food, it needs to use its mineral storage to counterbalance the acidic pH caused by eating too many PROTEINS (meat, milk, cheese, butter, eggs…). When pH is HIGH, that is greater than seven, the solution is basic (that is NOT ACIDIC, “caustic”, that is, giving a burning sensation to the external urinary duct mucosae). When pH is NEUTRAL, that is, equal to seven, the solution is neutral (that is, NOT ACIDIC, NOT BASIC). When pH is LOW, that is, less than seven, the solution is acidic (that is, NOT BASIC, “caustic”, that is, giving a burning sensation to the external urinary duct mucosae). When pH is low, that is acidic, our body will lose its alkalizing minerals while trying to restore the right biochemical balance (buffer system)….

One of the most efficient buffer systems is that of buffer ammonia.

Kidneys start producing ammonia, an alkaline substance (that is, not acidic), that significantly increases the pH of excrements still in the intestines that will later become faeces. Urine will noticeably have a strong smell of ammonia, and urination could even be painful, because of the caustic nature (highly basic pH) of the urine that is being eliminated. It is suggested to drink some acidulous fruit juice (blueberry, orange, lemon juice, etc…) that will bring the solution back to normal and eliminate the pain. A strong smell of ammonia in urine could mean that our body is running out of alkalizing minerals. Of course, our body can find other stocks of alkalizing minerals such as calcium, sodium and magnesium, but by doing so these precious minerals will be taken from bones, later causing damage and causing, in the long term, arthrosis and osteoporosis.

In turn, producing too much ammonia will cause in the long term a gradual but irreversible kidney chronic failure (demonstrated by the presence of proteins in urine). If our body does not have enough calcium and magnesium, it will take the required amounts of these minerals from bones, to guarantee adequate levels in blood. Then, our body will try and make up for this lack of calcium and magnesium by creating  bony deposits that reduce movement and limit activities (arthrosis, arthritis). Magnesium and vitamin D (obtained thanks to sun exposure) are the safest solution to avoid such diseases. Restoring the biochemical conditions of the complex system in a young adult can take only a few months; on the contrary, in an elderly adult more than a year might be needed before pH (for example, salivary pH) goes back to being slightly alkaline.


Intestinal DISBIOSIS

The worst effect of eating too many proteins is intestinal DISBIOSIS, that is, the alteration of the normal gut flora (saprotrophic gut flora), that is responsible for the fundamental processes in the assimilation of nutrition (natural vitamins) contained in fruit, vegetables, cereals, and legumes. The loss of these “good germs” is due to eating too many proteins, rich in essential amino acids (all nine of them), in vitamin B12, and in glucose (simple sugar) that are freely available in the intestine.

Glucose, and the presence of All Nine Essential Amino Acids, are the necessary source to develop the “bad” gut flora, that is, the one that causes putrefaction. The human intestine has a volume of about 6 litres and an enormous surface of about 400-600 square metres. From the throat to the anus, there are 150 very important lymphatic centres, where white blood cells (lymphocytes) maintain immune defences. This area is called intestinal lumen, it is very rich in “good” and “bad” germs, and it can be considered to be the most dangerous and crucial area of our body.

In fact, the two lungs have a much more limited total surface (just 80 square metres). In an adult, the skin has a surface of no more than 2 square metres… This immense intestinal surface, then, marks the difference between a healthy condition and disease. In vegetarians, 20-40% of fecal mass is made of “good” germs (enterobacteria, or symbiotic or saprotrophic germs). These germs, however, are present in all individuals in the higher part of the intestines (first and second part of the small intestine: duodenum and jejunum).

These germs belong to over 400 species. The following are among the most important: Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus; others: Edwardsiella, Citrobacter, Providencia, Arizona, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter, Serratia, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Shigella, Vibrio, Proteus, etc… Some subspecies of these germs are pathogenic (Vibrio colerae, Shigella dissenteriae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). All these germs are aerobic. That means that they need oxygen to survive. They are the cause of the SYMBIOSIS between human body and germs that allows a good nutritional balance for assimilation of vitamins by the human body in exchange for an ideal habitat for these germs’ proliferation.

These bacteria are not damaged by a vegetarian diet, even though fruit, vegetables and spices are rich in germicidal, fungicide and parasiticidal substances (e.g.: Allicin, contained in garlic, onions, leek, radish….). In turn, these germs greatly help the body to digest, and therefore, to assimilate the thousands of natural vitamins contained in vegetarian food. In the first part of the intestine, fecal mass contains about 1 million germs per 1 gram of excrement mass. While fecal mass travels through the gut, its percentage of “good” germs (symbiotic or saprotrophic germs) increases, sometimes reaching 10 million germs per 1 gram of faeces. In the lower part of the intestine (colon), however, colonies of germs that are completely different from the “good” ones start forming. These are the putrefaction germs: they can survive even without oxygen (Bacteroides, Pepto-streptococcus, etc…).

The quantity of these germs present in fecal mass increases dramatically, reaching 1 billion to 100 billion “bad” germs per gram of fecal mass. These “bad” germs should only exist in the final part of the intestine, but unfortunately some incorrect eating habits help these germs in “going up” the intestine, reaching areas where they should not proliferate, such as for instance Helicobacter pylori that causes gastritis and gastric ulcer in the stomach.

The abnormal proliferation of these “bad” germs takes place when we eat too many proteins and too much glucose, which gives them nutrition. Milk, cheese and other dairy products are responsible for this as well. Casein, contained in milk and dairy products, helps reducing the amount of oxygen in the intestine, thanks to its ability of “gluing” the intestine’s walls together (thus reducing dramatically the intestinal volume available for the assimilation of natural vitamins).

The importance of “bad” germs becomes the cause of diseases in the fact that they replace the“good” germs (symbiotic or saprotrophic germs). Thus, the human body cannot assimilate the precious natural vitamins properly. The presence of putrefaction germs then paves the way for fungi (candida), that in turn pave the way for intestinal parasites (worms).

The presence of intestinal parasites (worms) is very common, although it is greatly underestimated. Laboratory tests searching for these parasites in faeces are not reliable. On the contrary, an easy-toobtain blood value is the percentage of EOSINOPHILS in the Hematocrit. Food intolerances, allergies (including asthma) and the majority (maybe all) of autoimmune diseases are, or could be caused (etiopathogenesis) by the presence of parasites (worms) in the intestine.

In ASTHMA, allergies and food intolerances, the percentage of EOSINOPHILS is higher than 2%. This value is a limit that should never be trespassed. In allergies we find Immunoglobulin E (IgE), that on the contrary is not present in food intolerances.


Asthma, allergies and food intolerances

In contrast with many allergologists, the author thinks that both food intolerance and allergies (including asthma) can be explained in the same way: immune unbalance caused by intestinal disbiosis.

However, for these patients it is necessary to eat proteins at least weekly. Once a week they can have fish, organic meat or organic eggs. This will avoid dangerous anaphylactic shocks, in case of incorrect or missing “food rules” in the first phase, when patients start following a vegetarian diet. This is true especially for vitamin F, that needs to be taken regularly to avoid allergic reactions. On the contrary, milk and dairy products should not be eaten for a long time. As far as white sugar, brown sugar and yeasts (bread, pizza, beer) are concerned, they should not be consumed for a long time.

As far as GM soybean and GM sweetcorn are concerned, they should be forbidden by the law (see further).


Autoimmune diseases

There are many very well known and studied autoimmune diseases, which Official Medicine can do nothing about, apart from administrating cortison and other “symptomatic” drugs, which only treat the disease’s symptom, without treating its cause. The following is a short list of the most common autoimmune diseases.

Central Nervous System: Multiple Sclerosis (?); Myasthenia gravis.

Eyes: phacoanaphylactic uveitis, sympathetic ophtalmia.

Salivary glands: Sjögren’s syndrome.

Thyroid: Hyperthyroidism (Graves-Basedow disease); Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s chronic thyroiditis);

Parathyroid glands: Hypoparathyroidism.

Lungs: Pulmonary fibrosis of various autoimmune diseases, or allergic alveolitis of various origin (probably primitive pulmonary fibrosis, Hamman-Rich syndrome).

Heart: Endomyocardial fibrosis.

Stomach: atrophic chronic gastritis with pernicious anemia.

Pancreas : Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, or juvenile diabetes.

Liver: some forms of biliary cirrhosis.

Intestine: Coeliac disease, Whipple’s disease, protein losing enteropathy, Crohn’s disease, granulomatose colitis (Crohn’s colon disease), hemorrhagic rectal colitis.

Adrenal glands: primitive adrenal gland atrophy.

Kidneys and lungs: Goodpasture’s syndrome, chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis.

Testicles: male sterility.

Joints: Rheumatic disorder, Rheoumatoid polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.

Collagen: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE); polyarthritis nodosa, dermatopolymyositis, scleroderma, mixed connectivitis, sarcoidosis (suspect, probably coming from herpesvirus).

Skin: pemphigus and similar diseases.

Blood: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Note 1: past long-term therapy with cortison can affect therapy for these diseases in a negative way, as reported in texts about gersonian-therapy or similar therapies (749).

Note 2: therapy for Myasthenia gravis must be followed by specialists, as some life saving drugs are needed: the patient indeed constantly risks medical emergency.


Malignant tumours

Tumours such as cancer, sarcoma, lymphoma and leukaemia can arise faster if the immune defences are lower (SEE Chapter 9) and if at the same time natural vitamins that could eliminate old cells are lacking (SEE Chapter 6 and Chapter 7).


Other diseases

Other diseases (about which the author prefers not to express an opinion at the moment) could be caused by the presence of parasites, even only in part. These diseases were pointed out by some German studies in the 1920s and 1930s, and refer to neurological or psychiatric diseases. At the moment the validity of those studies cannot be judged, even though it is possible that the neurotoxins produced by intestinal parasites (worms) could actually affect the Central Nervous System.


Altered impermeability of intestinal walls

Another reason why it is so easy for putrefaction germs to pave the way for fungi and subsequently parasites (worms), causing lower immune defences, is an altered permeability of the intestinal walls for putrefaction toxins. This happens if vitamin F is chronically absent in food, as stated by Doctor Katherine Kousmine many decades ago.

Taken from: Katherine Kousmine: Save your bodies!

“…If we go back and look at the history of our industrial society, and the changes it has brought about in nutrition, we can see a huge mistake: the importance given to industrial fat substances, whether solid or liquid, artificial or inert. These are industrial fat substances that cannot repair cells, nor can they ensure normal structure and impermeability to the tissues of our body, while this happens with natural fat substances, whether noble or essential, that are of vital importance for us.

Since the normal tissue impermeability is lost, it is easier to be attacked by toxins, infections or allergies. Immune defences are taken over and the immune balance is broken. But vitamin F (cis-cis linolenic acid) ensures the right impermeability of cell membranes and especially intestinal cell membranes, and makes up the main constituent thanks to which our body synthesizes anti-inflammatory prostaglandin PGE1. Eliminating these disturbing industrial fat substances and substituting them with oils rich in vitamin F (that are biologically active, as they are cold-worked) could restore the normal tissue impermeability and so the correct production of PGE1. In this way, the normal immune balance would be restored, no matter what the symptoms of this balance’s alteration are. This is easy to observe in patients. Of course, restoring will be faster if no type of fat substance is present: fat substances increase the need for vitamin F and thus they increase its lack as well…”


Source: The book Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy, author Giuseppe Nacci, M.D