Vitamins and health

Vitamins are the basis of our health




Vitamins and health -vitamin is basis of our wellness and antitumor cureWe eat food because we are hungry and, instinctively, we prefer a certain type of food rather than another one. The SMELL and TASTE of what we eat are important themselves, but very often we underestimate them because of visual appearance. A beautiful apple will look better than another one for us, but then we will notice that the beautiful, shiny and colourful apple is totally TASTELESS.

Then, what is “TASTE”?

Essentially, “TASTE” is the I.D. of the food we are eating, and it often tells us which and how many “vitamins” are contained in it. If food is warmed up, cooked or left for a long time, it will lose its vitamins.

The amount of vitamins varies from 15,000 to 30,000. Vitamins are the basis of our health.

The human race has always been tormented by diseases in the past. History calls some of them “incurable diseases”; in fact, they were defeated by simple vitamins.

I will name here the GREAT “incurable” diseases:

Scurvy (variable death rate, defeated by vitamin C);

Pellagra (death rate 97%, defeated by Niacin or vitamin B3);

Pernicious anemia (death rate 99%, defeated by vitamin B12 and folic acid);

Beriberi (death rate 99%, defeated by Thiamine or vitamin B1).

If we consider cancer a chronic-degenerative metabolic disease, cancer itself could be defeated by using great quantities of natural vitamins, among which the most important would be vitamin B17 (SEE Chapter 7).

30,000 lost VITAMINS …

Just as for monkeys, millions of years ago the human race lost the capability of synthesizing many vital substances that could be found in fresh fruit and vegetables in African forests. These substances are essential for life and are nowadays called “vitamins”: they are dozens of thousands, and most of them are still being studied …

The human species is similar to apes but it is different from a phylogenetic point of view, as the number of chromosomes is different (46 and 48 respectively: this would exclude direct descent). Moreover, for millions of years both populations of hominids lived near a source of fresh water and ate almost exclusively raw vegetables, fresh and dried fruit, wholemeal seeds, fish, and small quantities of meat (1288). If we consider all this, we can theorize that human biochemistry, too, has lost the intracellular mechanisms that were typical of prosimians and their most phylogenetically similar ancestors. Thus, humans ended up losing the ability to synthesize complex anti-oxidant enzyme chains that are typical of DNA repair systems.

From an evolutionary point of view, losing their ability to synthesize key-enzymes for intracellular repair processes was an advantage. Indeed, it allowed saving enzymes for synthesis and for biochemical energy: nature made thousands of anti-oxidant and intracellular repair substances available in food, substances that we now call vitamins …

Thus, this explains why prosimians themselves had already lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C several millions of years earlier: they would find vitamin C in their usual food, that is fresh fruit growing on trees in forest. This change took place before they evolved into transition animal species and finally into today’s monkeys. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that this change took place in the species today’s mankind descends from, too.

Note: on a DNA level, man and chimpanzee are twin species, as if their evolutionary division took place about 5 billion years ago, during Eocene; on the contrary, on an anatomical-morphological level they pertain to very different species, as if their division took place about 12-15 billions years ago. So, in evolutionary terms, today’s human DNA should have been quite different from the present-day chimpanzee, following the long process of evolution of about 12-15 billion years, according to the requirements of slow and casual genetic changes that are necessary to determine the deep change in anatomy and morphology that differentiates the human race from chimpanzees. On the contrary, the DNA of humans and chimps is identical. So the ten great genetic changes in human DNA are interesting because they differentiated humans from chimps and allowed the evolutionary leap towards men. The combination of casual events of these ten important genetic changes in human DNA are still being studied. What Mangiarotti (1287) reported in medical literature about this paradox of evolution is then very interesting. SEE Allegated 27

A simple tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), just picked from a plant in soil which is absolutely devoid of any toxic substances, can contain as many as 10,000 natural different chemical substances (phyto-chemicals), each of which is a vitamin, a co-enzymatic factor, an anti-oxidant, etc ….

This is therefore true also for green leaf vegetables, fruit, vegetables, tubers, etc … But, after only a week in a fridge, green leaf vegetables lose about 25% of their ascorbic acid, and after a further week 80%. After only 3 hours in a fridge a fruit salad has practically lost all its
nutritive value.

Therefore, a cancer patient absolutely must eat fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh tubers and fresh green leaf vegetables, that is, all products which are ‘in season’, and in good condition. Otherwise, as an alternative, frozen vegetables can be used, which are infinitely preferable to those coming from forced cultivation in greenhouses, which produce modest amounts of anti-oxidant active factors. Choosing fresh products is therefore the basic rule to follow, but it alone is not sufficient for the aims described in this study …..

It is necessary to choose another source of food for cancer patients (providing they are NOT undergoing chemotherapy, but are undergoing immune-therapy as described in this study): these patients must, in fact, be fed with food which is absolutely devoid of any pesticides, herbicides, glues, waxes, laquers, anti-budding liquid, ethylene oxide and others.

Furthermore, many patients and their families do not remember or do not know when the various vegetables are in season.

The use of fertilizers prevents plants from absorbing important minerals, such as Selenium, from the soil. Fruit is picked before it is ripe, and is then put in cold storage. In this way the most important principle is lost, by which the fruit reaches its maximum vitamin potential as it ripens fully on the branches of the trees. Finally, it must be remembered that the majority of co-enzymatic factors contained in fruit are to be found just under the skin, which in most cases is lost because the fruit is peeled.

Furthermore the widespread use of nitrogen fertilizers, used to increase the production of vegetables, leads to an increase in the nitrogen content in the vegetables. We then have the serious problem of vegetables which have a high nitrogen content, which if they are not preserved in the correct way or if they are not eaten shortly after being picked, will produce Nitrates and Nitrites inside the vegetable, with potential toxic and immune-depressive consequences especially for cancer patients who are undergoing Immune-Therapy, as described in this study.

Finally it must be remembered that environmental pollution has caused an increase in heavy metals in agricultural land in Europe; everywhere there are metals such as Nickel, Lead, Chrome and Cadmium. The presence of these chemical agents mean that plants and fruit absorb much more water compared to those grown in non-polluted areas: this explains the change in flavor, smell and even consistency of the fruit itself, a fact easily noted by anyone. Subsequent chemical analysis in the laboratory shows there is an effective loss of nutritional value in fruit, green leaf vegetables and vegetables before they have even been picked. In Europe these losses are serious, estimated at about 50%-70% for established components such as vitamin B6 in green beans, Vitamin C in spinach or strawberries (a loss that rises to 90% in bananas imported from abroad). Moreover, in over 200 studies, the relationship between the reduced consumption of fruit and fresh vegetables and cancer has been highlighted (624) ; , and the particular protective role of Vitamin E has been stressed: vice versa, isolated supplementation of single vitamins, particularly if they are synthetic, has sometimes shown paradoxical results, with a relative increase in the incidence of tumors: complete and natural food is really the best source of vitamins and of other active principles for a normal diet, and, especially, for the anti-oxidative diet for cancer patients as will be discussed hereafter.

The author therefore maintains that mankind is actually lacking a large percentage of about 13,000 estimated forms of chemical complexes present in the principle nutrients existing in nature, and to a large extent found together in fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, seeds, and shellfish (mussels, clams and oysters).

Of these, the substances known and considered essential for the human diet in the normal university courses of Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology (vitamins, pro-vitamins, enzymatic co-factors, essential oils, essential amino acids and mineral salts), do not exceed the figure of 0.5% of the whole number of phyto-chemical substances indicated above, of about 13,000. It is therefore time to reconsider our “food safety” with regard to „vitamins“.

Furthermore if one takes into account the high turnover of the necessary enzymatic processes, one arrives at the conclusion that eating fresh vegetables and/or fresh fruit only twice a day is just not enough, particularly for a cancer patient, because the anti-oxidative defenses of the white blood cells and of other healthy cells cannot remain without vital co-enzymatic factors. This can be easily proved, for example, by measuring the ratio of 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine in each cancer patient undergoing therapy at home.

VITAMINS (In alpahabetic order):

Aminoacid NOT found in proteins: Mimosine

Anthraquinones: Aloctin A, Aloctin B (Barbaloin), Emodin, and OTHER;

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

B group : B1 (Thiamine), B2 , B3 (Niacin), B4 , B5, B6, B7, B8 (Biotin) B9 (Folic acid) , B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17 (Amigdalin), ….and OTHER….

Note: “Laetrile” acronym for “LAEvomandeloniTRILE-glucoside”) as Amygdalin: Laetrile has two molecules of glucose, Amygdalin has more. Indeed, the chemical structure of Laetrile is D-1 mandelonitrile–beta-glucuronide, while for Amygdalin it is D-mandelonitrile-bi-glucoside.

Carotenoids: a family of pigments with at least six-hundred members, as Axerophthol palmitate, alpha and beta Carotene, trans-Retinoic acid, Lycopene, Lutein, Canta-xantine, Cripto-xantine, Zea-xantine, ….and OTHER …

E group: This liposoluble substance consists of a group of various components, called Tocopherols. Seven of these exist in nature; alpha-Tocopherol, beta-Tocopherol, gamma- Tocopherol, delta-Tocopherol, epsilon-Tocopherol, zeta-Tocopheros and eta-Tocopherol.

F group: polyunsaturated fatty acids : arachidonic acid, Linoleic cis-cis natural acid (vitamin F1) as: alpha-lipoic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, ….and OTHER…..

Flavonoids is a group of more 4.000 polyphenolic compounds. These compounds possess a common phenylbenzopyrone structure (C6-C3-C6) , and they are categorized according to the saturation level and opening of the central pyran ring, mainly into seven main groups: Flavonones, Flavanols, Flavones, Flavonols, Flavanonols, and Isoflavones.

Es.: Acacetin, Apigenin, Baicalein, Baicalin, Bilabetol, Biochanin A, Campherol, Catechin, Chrysin, Citrin, Daidzein, Diosmin, Epicatechin, Epigallocatechin, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, Equol, Eriodictyol, Fisetin, Formononetin, Galangin, Gallocatechin, Genistein, Genistin, Ginketol, Gitogenin, Glycitein, Hesperidin, Hyperoxide, Isoamnetin, Isoginketol, Kampherol, Liquiritin, Luteolin, Morin, Munetone, Myricetin, Naringenin, Naringin, Nobiletin, Pychnogenol, Quercetin, Robinetin, Ruscogenin, Rutin, Silydiamin, Silymarin, Silychristin, Tangeretin, Taxifolin, Wogonin , and OTHER

Indole glucosinolates : as Indol-3-carbinol, and OTHER (Brassica vegetables); conversion to isothiocyanates

Isoprenoides : Abscisic acid, Acorenone, Alloaromadendrene, Aromadendrene, Bergamotene, Bisabolene, Borneol, Bornyl acetate, Isoborneol, Cadinene, Camphene, Caranol, Carene, Carvacrol, Carvone, Pinocarvone, Caryophyllene, Cedrine, Cineole, Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamate, Citral, Cyclocitral,, Citronellal, Citronellyl acetate or butyrate or propionate, Copaene, Cresol, Cubebene, Cymene, Damascenone, Elemene, Estragol, Eugenol, Farnesene, Fencone, Geraniol, Germacrene, Hotrienol, Humulene, Ionol, Ionone, Isopinocamphone, Isopulegol, Limonane, Linalool, Longifolene, Mentol, Neomenthol, Menthone, Isomenthone, Murolene, Myrcenol, Myrcene, Myrtenol, Neral, Nerol, Nerolidol, Nootkatone, Ocimene, Ocimenol, Perillaldehyde, Phellandrene, Pinene, Pinocamphone, Piperitol, Piperitone, Pristane, Pulegone, Sabinene, Sabinol, Santalol, Selinadiene, Selinene, Sinensal, Styrene, Terpinene, Terpineol, Terpinolene, Thymol, Tricyclene, Vanillin, Valencene, Verbenone, Vitispirane, …and OTHER…

Lecithins : as Alexin B, ….and OTHER

Minerals (organic) : organic Boron, organic Calcium, organic Chromium, organic Germanium, Organic Iodine, organic Iron, organic Magnesium, organic Manganese, organic Molybdenum, organic Selenium, organic Silicium, organic Vanadium, organic Zinc, …. and OTHER….


allyl Sulfur (an organo-Sulfur compound) (*)

Diallyl sulfide [DAS], (an organo-Sulfur compound) (*)

Diallyl disulfide [DADS], (an organo-Sulfur compound) (*)

Diallyl trisulfide [DATS], (an organo-Sulfur compound) (*)

(*) which are decomposition products of Allicin

Germanium sesquioxide

Manganese Superoxide Dismutasis (SOD),

Selenium derivatives (sodium Selenite, Seleno-DL-Methionine, Se-methyl-selenocysteine)

Oxindole alkaloids: Pteropodin, Specrofillin, Hystopteropodin, Uncaria F, Isomitrofillin, …and OTHER…..

Saponins : Ginsenoides, Saikosaponin D, ….and OTHER….

Stilbenes: is a group of polyhenols : Resveratrol, …. and OTHER….

Styryl-lactones : Altholactone, Goniothalamin, ….and OTHER….

Tannins: is a group of polyhenols; tannins are divided into 2 chemically distinct groups:

1) the condensed tannins (Proanthocyanidin)

2) the hydrolysable tannins (as hydrolysable Ellagitannins, such as Woodfordin C (macrocyclic ellagitannin dimmer), Oenothein B, Camellin B, …..and OTHER…..

NOTE: Anthocyanins: Peonidine-3-glucoside, Cyanidin-3-glucoside , ….and OTHER….

Terpenes: Alisol B acetate, Atractylon, Atractylenolides, Betulinic acid, Bisabolol, Boswellic acid, Carnosic acid, Ferutidin, Ferutinin, Myristicin, Oleanolic acid, Parthenolide, Pomolic acid, Tymoquinone, …and OTHER…

Vanillys-phenols : is a group of polyhenols; share structural similarities possessing both the vanillyl (4-hydroxy 3-methoxyphenyl) moiety and the ketone functional group in their structure; Paradols, Gingerols, Yakuchinone B, Curcumin (diferuloyl methane), Capsaicin (homo-vanillic acid derivative : 8 methyl-N-Vanillyl-6-nonenamide),…and OTHER….:

….and OTHER….

Source: The book Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy, author Giuseppe Nacci, M.D