The Threats of Genetically Modified Organisms

8 immediate threats of Genetically Modified Organisms can therefore be identified. New danger – transgenetic species, super virus, no vitamins


From hybrid plants to GMO TERMINATOR plants

Today, hybrid plants have been surpassed by biotechnology applied to GMOs: completely sterile plants, i.e. unable to reproduce, have been created. In October 2005, this kind of biotechnology, known as “TERMINATOR”, obtained its first patent in Canada. This fact poses a grave threat because of the possible negative effects on diet. This issue will be discussed at the sixth point of the next paragraph : “The threat of Genetically Modified “.

The Threat of Genetically Modified Organisms

The Threats of Genetically Modified Organisms - GMO dangersCancer is a degenerative disease caused by a lack of vitamins and poisoning from chemical substances present in food. One can estimate the number of vitamins and pro-vitamin substances present in natural plants commonly used as food by humans, as more than 13,000 – 15,000 types.

The introduction into modern agriculture of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is an unjustified and dangerous alteration of what Evolution has produced in plants over hundreds of millions of years: plants on which the subsequent biochemical evolution of superior complex animal organisms has been based, culminating with the advent of mammals in the last 65 million years and then with the arrival of Man. Therefore the delicate biochemical balance of the human race depends on plant species remaining integral, just as evolution created them, because the health of every one of us is based on the biochemical human cell, and this depends, through the complexity of the DNA, on the use of thousands of vitamins and of the herbal-chemical compounds present in nature.


To get maximum agricultural production today we resort to changing the genetic patrimony of natural plants, with the aim of changing their structure and making them sterile (thus farmers have to buy new seeds every year), patenting the transformation induced and re-selling the product all over the world. Furthermore it can be affirmed that there is a substantial equivalence between the genetically modified product (GMO) and that obtained by selecting genetic characteristics (that is by means of naturally crossbreeding plants as has been done by man over the course of thousands of years). This eighth declaration says however that this ‘substantial equivalence’, cannot be sustained, because the natural crossbreeding of plants uses natural seeds of the same species, while genetic manipulation (GMO) crosses all barriers, and introduces genes from other types of vegetable species or even bacteria, viruses and animal genes. In fact the majority of genes used in genetic engineering come from living species which have never been a part of the human food chain and actually come from DNA not of plants but of animals, bacteria or viruses and/or transgenic retroviruses.

As a doctor qualified in nuclear medicine the author has had the opportunity to study the effects of ionizing radiation on complex organisms for years. It is his personal view that plants, too, are complex organisms, they are the fruit of hundreds of millions of years of biological evolution: every genetic modification caused in plants by man (with radiation such as Chernobyl, or with viruses such as presently used in GMO), however small that modification is, will cause damage, irreparable damage which often cannot be seen, because man only knows a limited number of safe vitamins and pro-vitamin substances. However, there are tens of thousands of vitamins and other substances present in plants, and it is these which are responsible for the correct working of the biochemical human complex and the human genome (DNA).

8 immediate threats can therefore be identified.

FIRST POINT: The impoverishment of vitamin and pro-vitamin complexes in the plants The impoverishment of vitamin and pro-vitamin complexes no longer present in food, with the consequent increase in degenerative and deficient diseases such as Cancer (see the seventh and the ninth declarations). The deliberate attempt to deactivate the natural substances contained in the plants is very serious: in this way fresh fruit and vegetables – greatly impoverished of many vitamins – can be carried over long distances and long periods of time because their oxidation does not take place. These vitamins are able to enter into complex enzymatic mechanisms of DNA mammals, inducing the apoptosis (suicide) phenomenon in these mammal cells if diseased through infection or other illnesses (such as cancer). This vitamin impoverishment will ensure commercial profits and represents a serious act of deliberate damage inflicted on the Ecosystem by means of GMOs.

It’s heavy the possible disappearance of anti-cancer vitamins, that induce apoptosis (suicide) of the tumors (Anthocyanin, Flavonoids (1122), Polyphenols (1123), sesquiterpene lactone Parthenolide (701), penta-acetyl Geniposide (1061), Camelliin B (698), beta-Cryptoxantin (1063), Hesperidin (1063), Emodin (247,333,715), ursolic acid (700), allyl Sulfur (694,696), Eriodictoyol (693), hibiscus protocatechin acid (692), Indoles (809), Isothiocyanates (809), Resverarol (695), Elemene (690), Acutiaporberine (711), Capsaicin (719), Wagonin (713), Fisetin (713), carnosic acid (1062), Germanium sesquioxide (269), epigallocatechin Gallate (173,1124), Axerophthol palmitate, alpha and beta Carotene, trans-Retinoic acid, Tocopherols, Limonene (693), Cynaropicrin, Lycopene (633,1359), Proanthocyanidin, Damnacanthal (1043), Baicalin (718), Baicalein (718), hydrocinnamic acid (693), sesquiterpenoids as Atractylon (704), as Atractylenolides I, II, III (704), gelsemium alkaloids (699), tartary buckwheat flavonoid (1064), Sinigrin, ferulic acid, ellagic acid, cumarinic acid, …)

SEE: http://www.erbeofficinali/dati/nacci/allpdf.php

The disappearance of these natural anti-cancer vitamins is a grave threat.

In Chapter 5 (“Plants which make Cancers suicide”) many vitamins and plants which induce apoptosis (cancer suicide) are listed. Moreover, scientific references about modifications made by GMO Multinationals are reported. This disappearance may happen also because of accidental GMO modifications of plants: for example, Pueraria species is rich in Anthocyanins, i.e. a substances able to induce tumour apoptosis. But in case of GMO Pueraria (accidentally genetically modified), its content of Anthocyanins is dramatically decreased by 40%.

SEE PDF allegated: Joung JY.: An overexpression of chalcone reductase of Pueraria montana var. lobata alters biosynthesis of anthocyanin and 5’-deoxyflavonoids in transgenic tobacco, Biochem Biophys Res. Commun 2003, 303, pp.: 326-331

The 2005 study by Woitsch and Romer (1740) also reveals that GMO plants lose their capacities to produce vitamins, although they wew created in the laboratory for that purpose, if put out of laboratories, i.e. in the real environmental conditions of climate stress (temperature change between day and night, wind, sun’s ultraviolet rays, etc….). This is essentially due to the complete ignorance of Science about the complex biochemical repair mechanisms that plants must activate in conditions of environmental stress of different origin, differently from natural plants, which have evolved for about 500 millions years and are naturally and spontaneously able to produce a number of vitamins – most of which still unknown – in order to protect themselves from the environmental stress caused by ultraviolet rays, the temperature range between day and night, viral, bacterial, fungal infections, etc…. ( /Nacci_Vitamins_in_GMO_Plants.pdf )

In addition to the possible disappearance of anti-cancer vitamins that induce apoptosis (suicide) of tumors there is the elimination of seeds from GMO fruits. The importance of seeds as anti-cancer factors resides principally in the fact that they contain vitamin B17. But it is extremely serious that the big GMO seed Companies are putting onto the world agricultural market the same fruits but without seeds, in particolare: Cucumis melo, Citrus limonum, Citrullus vulgaris, Solanum lycopersicum, Vitis vinifera.

The deliberate attempt on the part of companies producing GMO to deactivate this precious natural mechanism contained in plants is very serious. This is a deliberate act of damage inflicted on the ecosystem by Agro-industrial Multinationals GMO.

SECOND POINT: genetic mutation of plants and the subsequent alteration of human biochemistry.

Because of the introduction of foreign genes (for example from animals, bacteria, viruses and retroviruses) into the DNA of plants, an alteration in the normal genomic sequence of the plant occurs, with the appearance of new proteins and/or the loss of other proteins of a genomic sequence.

Therefore new substances similar to natural vitamins have appeared, but which actually have enzymatic and biochemical characteristics different to natural ones, and therefore introduce changes in their component of biochemical activity on the human genome, once they have been introduced through food.

There is therefore the potential risk of new diseases of an “artificial” type, caused by the genetic manipulation (GMO) of vegetable organisms, genetically polluted by new vitamin-like molecules with inductive effects on the human DNA and on its complex biochemistry which are totally unknown, but probably heralding serious damage given the extreme complexity and hence vulnerability of the human DNA.

For example, the only test on a long-term basis (24 months) carried out by an Italian research group demonstrated that GMOs may modify some internal organs. Feeding mice with the famous maize Roundup Ready changed the structure and the functioning of their liver, pancreas and testicles cells. (Malatesta M.: Fine structural analyses of pancreatic acinar cell nuclei from mice fed on GM soybean. Eur. J. Histochem., 47: 385-388, 2003; (1579-83).

A second study was conducted by Pusztai: he found out that mice fed with transgenic potatoes showed damage to organs, thickening of the small intestine and scarce brain development. Potatoes were genetically modified in order to contain lectin, which makes plants resistant to pesticides. (Pusztai: Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine, The Lancet Vol. 354, October 16, 1999) (, SEE: Pusztai (1578, 1588)  (;

A third study was carried out by Prescott, who analysed GMO peas (Prescott: Transgenic expression of bean-amylase inhibitor in peas results in altered structure and immunogenicity, J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, (23), pages: 9023-9030, 2005.

A fourth study was conducted by a team led by Dr. Irina Ermakova in Russia, a biologist of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in Moscow.

This study carried out by the Russian Research Agency suggests that a diet based on genetically modified food can cause damage to progeny. It was presented by the National Association for Genetic Security (NAGS) at a symposium on genetic modifications, which was organized by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and took place on 10th October 2005. During the tests, the Russian scientist added GMO soya to the food given to female rats two weeks before the conception and during the feeding. In the control group, female rats did not receive any GMO. There were three groups with each a different diet: the control group did not receive soya, the second one received GMO soya and the third one received conventional soya, i.e. NOT GMO.

Scientists counted births and deaths of the animals undergoing this test. Three weeks after the birth, dead animals were counted. The following was observed: conventional and GMO soya do not influence the number of rats born of each mother. However, the number of dead animals was radically different after three weeks. The results showed that conventional soya, i.e. NOT GMO, does not influence the death percentage negatively, whereas GMO soya makes it increase in a ratio of one to 8 births. Furthermore, 30% of the newborn mice in the group fed with GMO soya weighed 20 grams less than normal. These results are particularly worrying as rats’ morphology and biochemical structure are very similar to human beings’ ones  Ermakova (1584), Food Standards Agency News (1585).

A fifth study, which was commissioned by the Austrian Ministry for Agriculture and Health and carried out by Dr Jurgen Zentek, professor of Veterinary Medicine at Vienna University and leader of the project, demonstrated that mice fed with GMO corn gave birth to a reduced litter already at the third or the fourth generations, differently from the mice fed with normal corn.

THIRD POINT: the failure of an anti-cancer diet

As has already been demonstrated by Gerson (749,750,969) and other authors, many substances contained only in fruit and biologically grown raw vegetables are able to induce the immune cascade against tumors, detoxification and the particular phenomenon of apoptosis (suicide) of diseased cells making it unnecessary to do difficult and expensive research. Let us take the case of 153 patients suffering from the worst form of cancer known (Melanoma), who followed the anticancer diet of Dr. Gerson (749,750,969) : after 5 years the percentage of recovery varied from 70-90% (if the tumor was localized) to 40-70% (if the tumor had metastasized), provided the patients had not previously undergone chemotherapy. On the contrary, with chemotherapy the percentage of recovery from Melanoma cancer after 5 years is 6% (969) or zero (1340).

Note: in the latter source ( 1340 ), based on about 250,000 American and Australian patients, this zero survival value is confirmed even in the case of pancreas cancer, sarcoma, womb cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer and multiple myeloma, going up to 1% in case of stomach and colon cancer, about 2% in case of breast or lung cancer, 3-5% in case of rectum cancer, 4-5% in case of brain cancer, 5% in case of esophagus cancer, 9% in case of ovary cancer, 10% in case of NON-Hodgkin lymphoma, 12% in case of cervical cancer, about 40% in case of testicular cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma… (1340)

The explanation of the effectiveness of these vegetarian diets lies in the fact that patients do not consume food containing all the potential factors which promote cell growth, in particular they do not simultaneously consume the 9 essential amino acids (Valin, Isoleucin, Leucin, Lisin, Metionin, Hystidine, Tryphtophan, Phenylalanine, Treonine), nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), vitamin B12, folic acid and also para-aminobenzoic acid [PABA].Once the foods which contained all of these were of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter…): both Gerson and other authors (including Chinese and Indian medicine) forbade the consumption of these foods for at least a year. A vegetarian diet, based on fruit and vegetables, cereals and pulses, was, thus, the winning diet. These foods are rich in protein and thus their use in cancer therapy by Gerson and other Western, Chinese and Indian schools of natural medicine might seem surprising. But the reason for their use is that no cereal and no vegetable contained by itself the 9 essential amino acids. These foods, however, if consumed together at the same meal determined the assimilation of the 9 amino acids. Therefore it is absolutely forbidden to eat together pasta (or polenta, or bread [even if unleavened] or rice),with pulses, because there would be the integration of the 9 essential amino acids (8 contained in cereals + 8 contained in pulses) with a similar nutritional effect as that obtained from meat (after all once a plate of pasta and beans was called … “poor man’s meat”).

Today, however, because of the introduction on the market of cereals, legumes and other vegetables which have been genetically modified (GMO), many of these foods contain ALL the essential amino acids (1065 Day P.R.: Genetic modification of plants: significant issues and hurdles success, Am.J.Clin.Nutr., 63(4), pp.: 651S-656S, 1996, effectively rendering cancer NO LONGER curable in the way it is described in this study and according to the therapy of Gerson (749,750,969) and many other authors.

FOURTH POINT: diseases induced by transgenic viruses

The transgenic viruses with which genetically modified organisms (GMO) are created today enter into the DNA of the plant, modifying it in a way which is unknown to us.

These viruses are supposed to lie dormant but there is nothing to prevent them from reactivating themselves in a manner similar to the well known RNA tumour viruses (Oncornaviruses) or DNA tumour viruses (both inducers of leukaemias, sarcomas, carcinomas, gliomas…).

These viruses can also be the carriers of new diseases or diseases similar to syndromes whose dynamics are unfortunately very little understood (AIDS, Mad Cow Disease, etc…), and whose origin is still very vague (perhaps transgenic viruses?).

There is ample bibliography on viruses used in GMOs.

It is well known that CaMV (Cauliflower Mosaic Virus) is used today in the replication of retroviruses introduced in the plants by GMO multinationals in order to modify their DNA (GMO plants).

This virus is active both in angiosperms and gymnosperms, i.e. in all plants. This virus is used by GMO multinationals to modify genetically plants because it contains particular promoters, which are “motors” which drive genetic activation. CaMV has two promoters: 19S and 35S. Of these two the 35S promoter is most frequently used by multinationals.
The 35S promoter is a DNA sequence of about 400 bases (units of genetic sequence of four different molecules: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine or Thymine).

The CaMV promoter is preferred above other potential promoters used by GMO multinationals to modify plants because it is not influenced by the different conditions of vegetable cell tissue types and thus it can act. Unfortunately it is able to penetrate and replicate in animal cells, including mammalian and human cells, as demonstrated by Vlasak in a study published in 2003. Vlasak J.: Comparison of hCMV immediate early and CaMV 35S promoters in both plant and human cells, Journal of Biotechnology No. 103, pages: 197-202, 2003)

These artificial pararetroviruses are created and used by multinationals to modify the DNA of plants. They are similar to retroviruses already present in nature, such as: HIV retrovirus of AIDS, HUMAN LEUKAEMIA retrovirus, Hepatitis B retrovirus (Bonneville: Retrovirus, Viroids and RNA recombination, RNA Genetics, Vol. 11, pages: 23-42, 1988).

According to scientific literature, CaMV is closely related to the virus of human hepatitis B and AIDS. (Doolitte: Quart.Rev.Biol. 64, 2, 1989); (Xiong and Eickbush, Origin and evolution of retroelements based upon their riverse transcriptase sequences EMBO Journal 9, pp. 3353, 1990 )

Using CaMV in plants eaten by humans and/or animals can be very dangerous and hazardous because of the GENETIC RECOMBINATION of DNA chromosomes in the plants. This can lead to the recombination of the 35S promoter itself with the DNA of the person or animal that has eaten fruit, vegetables, pasta or GMO soya containing these pararetroviruses.

Through GENETIC RECOMBINATION, the viruses can also include cell genes present in the animal that has previously eaten that GMO plant. These can reach the man who has eaten that animal causing totally unknown genetic effects.

One the most likely consequences is the outbreak of cancers and leukaemias.

Genetic modifications to progeny can be another consequence.

In these cases, the DNA system would be disrupted as happens in the case of exposure to ionizing radiations. However, differently from ionizing radiations, there would be also the risk of new infectious diseases.

NEW INFECTIOUS DISEASES: it has been demonstrated that the CaMV genes incorporated into the plant (canola) chromosomes recombine with infecting viruses to produce new, much more virulent diseases. This experimental model concerning the safety of transgenic plants containing viral genes such as CaMV was presented by GAL in a study published in 1992: Gal S.: Agroinfection of transgenic plants leads to viable Cauliflower Mosaic Virus by intermolecular recombination, Virology, No.187, pages: 525-533, 1992 ;

About recombination between CaMV and viruses involving the promoter see also Vaden’s paper published in 1990: Ray Vaden: Recombination sites in Cauliflower Mosaic Virus DNAs; implications for Mechanisms of recombination, Virology, No.177, pages: 717-726, 1990

Other scientific studies demonstrated that recombination of these retroviruses may take place either between DNA and DNA or RNA and RNA, thus creating new viral infections (Mol.Plant-Microbe Interactions 5, 48, 1992).

Similar related experiments suggest that altered plants may cause deadly diseases, as shown by Greene in 1994: Greene A.E.: Recombination between viral RNA and transgenic plant transcripts, Science, Vol. 263, 11 march 1994 ;

Very dangerous viral DNA chains produced by normal RNA viruses are frequently propagated in the vegetable environment (GMO plants) using the CaMV 35S promoter to drive the production of RNA viruses which otherwise could not propagate in the plant DNA. From here they could pass to the animal DNA (man included) or in the bacteria or viruses DNA. Boyer J.C.: Infectious transcripts and cDNA clones of RNA Viruses, Virology, No. 198, pages: 415-426, 1994;

In conclusion: promoters recombine with the infecting viruses to produce virulent new diseases. CaMV viruses and its promoters 19S and 35S may incorporate genes from the host plant or animal or bacterium DNA –or even from a DNA virus – creating virulent new diseases.

In case of a DNA virus, CaMV can recombine with insect DNA viruses, thus propagating in the insect cells. (Zuidema D.: J.Gen.Vir. 71, pages 312, 1990)

As a consequence, it is likely that by eating tomatoes genetically modified with CaMV (recombined for example with hepatitis B viruses) a large number of people could create a SUPERVIRUS able to propagate in plants commonly used as food and in insects – such as mosquitoes – and then reach the man.

Allison R.F.: Recombination in plants expressing viral transgenes, Seminars in Virology, Vol. 7, pages: 417-422, 1996;

Wintermantel W.M.: Isolation of recombinant viruses between Culiflower Mosaic Virus and a viral gene in transgenic plants under conditions of moderate selection pressure, Virology, No. 223, pages: 156-164, 1996

Latham J.: GM Gene Flow (B): Horizontal gene transfer of viral inserts from GM plants to viruses, Technical paper, February 2004 J.T.Dessens: Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter-controlled DNA copies of cowpea mosaic virus RNAs are infectious on plants, Journal of General Virology, No.74, pages: 889-892, 1993

Steinbrecher R.A.: The CaMV 35S Promoter Government and Corporate Scientific incompetence: failure to assess the safety of GMO crops, Econexus Briefing, December 2002

Mae Wan Ho: The CAMV 35S Promoter fragmentation hotspot confirmed, and it is active in animals, Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2000, 12, págs: 189 ;

Mae Wan Ho: Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter – a recipe for disaster, Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 1999, 11, pp: 194-197 ;

FIFTH POINT: intoxication by poisons synthesized from transgenic plants.

Chronic poisoning of foods caused by the toxic substances in insecticides which are used on plants to make them resistant to parasites as Bacillus touringiensis (789-793), with the consequent increase in cancer, miscarriages, genetic mutations in descendants, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, degenerative diseases and diseases caused by toxic substances, etc.

In Italia, il gruppo di ricerca dell’Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca per la Nutrizione e gli Alimenti guidato dalla dott.ssa Mengheri (1750) ) ha effettuato uno Studio di valutazione degli effetti del mais MON810 sul sistema immunitario, sia intestinale che periferico, dei topi, con particolare riguardo alle implicazioni legate allo sviluppo e all’età anziana. Infatti è noto che durante lo sviluppo e la vecchiaia il sistema immunitario può rispondere con minore efficienza agli stimoli esterni rispetto a quanto accade in un adulto sano. I risultati dopo 30 e 90 giorni di alimentazione provano che, al contrario di quanto accade con il mais naturale, con il MON810 si sono verificate alcune alterazioni.

Queste alterazioni sono risultate più marcate, e quindi più gravi, proprio a carico dei topi durante lo sviluppo e nell’invecchiamento. Inoltre, dall’analisi proteomica è risultato che nel mais MON810 la regolazione di ben 43 proteine ha subito modifiche rispetto al mais normale, e che tra queste risulta presente una nuova versione della proteina gammazeina….

Teerje Traavak, direttore del Norwegian Institute of Gene Ecology, nel 2004 affermò di aver documentato il primo caso di seri effetti nocivi alla salute umana causati da piante OGM, in particolare dovute a intossicazione dal polline del mais OGM arricchito con Bacillus Thuringiensis , colpiti da disturbi respiratori ed eruzioni cutanee. Gli esami del sangue, condotti su 39 contadini filippini, avrebbero infatti dimostrato anticorpi contro la tossina del Bacillus Thuringiensis. Ma la cosa più inquietante di questo preziosissimo lavoro del prof. Traavak fu poi quello di aver trovato il Promoter 35S cioè il para-retrovirus impiegato per introdurre nel mais OGM il gene del Bacillus Thuringiensis, addirittura nelle stesse cellule umane dei contadini, con dimostrata quindi sua pericolosità di indurre modificazioni genetiche nel DNA umano, e quindi tumori maligni, confermando quindi i lavori precedenti di Vlasak del 2003. (L’ESPRESSO, 9 APRILE 2004)

Interessante anche il recente lavoro (2003) uscito in Francia di Joel Spiroux de Vendomois, che ha dimostrato la citotossicità epato-renale di tre varietà di mais transgenico (NK 603, MON 810, MON 863) .

SIXTH POINT: danger of worldwide famine due to TERMINATOR technology.

Passing to natural “indigenous” species of wheat, rice, sweet corn, potatoes, legumes, because vegetables themselves cannot reproduce themselves the normal way due to TERMINATOR technology; this is caused by cross pollination, and it also causes irreversibly the loss of natural vegetables that are nowadays used as food by humans, as vegetables will be polluted by the transgenic genes coming from transgenically cultivated areas (GM) where TERMINATOR technology is used.

Therefore there is a potential menace of global famine in the future, something that cannot be controlled, as the world will not have sufficient quantities of wheat, rice, sweet corn, legumes, the way they are in nature, or anyway not of the TERMINATOR kind.

SEVENTH POINT: transgenic pollution of natural plants

The transmission to ‘native’ natural species of artificial toxic substances as Bacillus touringiensis (789-793) by means of cross pollination, with a potential threat also to the plants and herbs used today in herbal remedies, because the latter will also become polluted by the transgenic genes coming from the agricultural areas devoted to transgenic cultivation (GMO).

EIGHTH POINT: the irreversible disappearance of natural plants

The gradual and irreversible disappearance of biological diversity, that is of the normal, natural flora. Transgenic cultivation will pose a serious threat to those areas which are rich in biodiversity (natural genomes); the transgenic flow which will go from modified plants to natural plants will be inevitable when the numerical ratio between areas cultivated with artificial plants exceeds the areas of natural plants, thus causing the irreversible loss of a great part of the natural genetic patrimony of all the plants existing in the world: at present there are about 442,000 species already classified out of an estimated total of 600,000 – 800,000 species.

In short:

Numerous plants have already disappeared during the last few years because farmers have abandoned natural plants in favor of adopting artificial plants, that is, genetically modified plants, because they are uniform in their genome and they give a high production (but are poor in vitamins). They are intrinsically sick (because they are incapable of surviving without pesticides), they are made sterile for economic reasons, and finally they are genetically manipulated to make them resistant to insects and other animals because they themselves are capable of producing poisons, that is, toxic substances which are eaten by farmyard animals and so passed on to man.

Even in the forests genetic variety is threatened today by the loss of habitat, not only caused by incorrect deforestation practices, but also by the contamination of the genetic patrimony (which has adapted to local situations) by hybrids created by large seed Companies which produce GMOs.

Source: The book Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy, author Giuseppe Nacci, M.D