Phyto medicines with anti-infection activity.

The plants with anti-parasitic and anti-mycotic action


The immune system at a gastro-intestinal level is the most developed because of the antigenic load the organism is exposed to: the cutaneous surface is only 2 square meters, that of the lungs is 80 square meters whilst that of the gastro-intestinal area is 300 square meters.

The gastro-intestinal immune system, being highly developed, justifies the action of many phytotherapies administered orally to induce a specific immune stimulation towards particular natural antigens such as lecitins for example (SEE chapter 4.f).

Phyto medicines with anti-infection, anti-parasitic and anti-mycotic activity

Disturbances in the gastro-intestinal tract, especially if they are induced and sustained by parasites or fungi, have a strong negative affect on the immune defense system of the human organism. The causes of this serious alteration in the capacity of the human immune defense system are manifold , beginning with disbiosis, characterized by the replacement of normal aerobe bacteria by aerobe pathogens and finally by anaerobes and fungi, opening the way to potential super-infections of a parasitic type, causing the worst form of disbiosis (granulocytosis based on eosinophilics).

Gastro-intestinal disbiosis is therefore a serious alteration of the normal intestinal bacterial flora, which leads to a gradual alteration in the intestinal mucus tissue (above all in the colon) and therefore of the lymphocytes present in the mesenteric lymph nodes, in the Peyer plates, in the lamina itself etc….

This alteration in the normal intestinal flora causes not only a gradual alteration of the working of the lymphatic tissue present in the intestinal mucus, but also a gradual block of the immune-lymph structure located at some distance away, which can perhaps be correlated even with different pathologies such as ulcerous colitis, Crohn’s disease, an immune imbalance and hepatopathy. In particular it is suspected that a great number of food allergies are traceable to serious forms of intestinal disbiosis.

Given that intestinal parasitosis is the most common cause of the most serious disbiosis, the foods can be divided into three groups:

1) Foods which do not cause intestinal disbiosis: cereals and their derivatives.

2) Foods which cause intestinal disbiosis. Milk and its derivatives (above all cheese), eggs, cakes, jellies, sugars (with the exception of fructose, honey, the juice of Acer campestris (Canadian maple); GMO foods which have already shown a depletory action on the lymphocytes such as insecticide maize for example (788-792) and, most probably, other GMO foods of the same type based on Bacillus thuringiensis.

3) Foods which prevent intestinal disbiosis: acidic foods, above all apple vinegar.

There are pharmacological therapies which can seriously compromise the gastro-intestinal immune defense thus starting a disbiosis: The most serious is Chemo-Therapy (even in mini doses), followed by cortisones and synthesized antibiotics.

Other factors, of less importance, are psychological stress, ovulation inhibitors, mercury poisoning (from amalgam in dental fillings), preservatives, colorants, irradiated food or food cooked in a microwave oven and a deficiency in natural symbionts (lactobacillus).

The risk of infection from parasites is very often undervalued, because it is considered of low incidence rate in the high food standard of daily life. In reality the risk is high and raw vegetables must be washed at least 4 times (avoiding, however, water with chlorine because of the relative problems of vitamin deficiency).

Raw vegetables in our diet are of prime importance, but if the vegetables are not washed, the risk of infection is real.

Fish and shellfish are also a complex problem; they should only be bought from recognized fishmongers. Fresh fish should always be put on ice and kept on ice.

Parasitosis from foods is very common in the third world, and particular attention should be paid to food (vegetables, fruit, fish etc..) coming from those countries which have poor hygiene. In many countries in the third world little attention is paid to the type of water used to irrigate the soil, very often the water has been recently mixed with “sewage water”, “black water”, polluted water from the cesspits of the local communities.

This problem is also connected with the question of pesticides, chlorine and other toxic compounds used in high quantities in the third world to increase production for export, to the detriment of vitamins and oligo-elements of organic agriculture.

Very often, safe levels of pesticides and fertilizers are exceeded, thus rendering the food toxic because of chemical pollution.

In this way the food obtained (fruit and vegetables in particular) is seriously deficient in vitamins and vitamin co-factors (SEE chapters 3 and 9) and, on the contrary, is contaminated with chemical poisons.

Phyto-therapies with a known anti-parasitic and anti-mycotic action

1) Aegle marmelos (India): it acts on Candida albicans

2) Artemisia cina: effective against ascarids.

3) Azadirachta indica (India) effective against intestinal worms

4) Bambusa arundinacea (India): effective against intestinal parasites: N.B. it is suspected of having an apoptosis and pseudo-apoptosis action on some types of tumor.

5) Berberis aristata: effective against malarial fever, the extracts of this plant are thought to be more effective than quinine, because it does not provoke cardiac depression and/or damage to hearing. It is also a hepatic-protector and helps the spleen.

6) Boerhaavia diffusa (India): its roots have anti-heminthic properties (also a diuretic, laxative and expectorant effect).

7) Butea frondosa (India): effective against Ascaris lumbricoides and Toxocara canis.

8) The seeds of Curcubita pepo (courgettes): an anti-parasitic activity (N.B: also very rich in Zinc).

9) The fruit of Embelia ribes: anti-helminthic, effective particularly against ascarids and tapeworm; it has an anti-bacterial action. Embeline reduces lipo-peroxidation in the liver, the intestines and the kidneys, increasing the levels of endogene anti-oxidative enzymes. Potassium embelate, contained in the fruit, shows an analgesic activity, it is also known for its laxative, carminative and diuretic action.

10) Cuminum cyminum: its dried, mature fruit has anti-fungi and anti-microbe activity.

11) The rhizome of Curcuma longa: turmeric (“the saffron of the Indies or the poor”) is antihelminthic and an immune stimulant; it also has pronounced anti-inflammatory activities, it is an hepatic protector from carbon tetra-chloride.

12) Ficus religiosa (the bark of its branches): an anti-protozoal against Entamoeba histolytica, it has an anti-helminthic activity against Ascarida galli.

13) The bark of Holarrhena antidysenterica: anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, an immune stimulant. The alkaloid Conessine is effective against dysentery caused by Entamoeba histolytica, it is lethal against protozoa, and to a limited extent against Trichomas hominis. Narconessine, isoconnesine and kurchine are currently being studied: recently two new alkaloids have been identified: Holacine and Holacimine (with a suspected apoptosis action on the cancer).

14) The alcoholic extract from the leaves of Asparagus racemosus also inhibit the growth of Entomoeba histolytica (N.B: it also has an anti-tumor effect in vitro against human skin carcinomas and carcinomas of the nasopharynx (700,752).

15) Inula racemosa: an anti-fungi activity comparable to Nistatine, but not as good as Amphotericine B. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and anti-spasmodic activities.

16) Inula helenium: a European variant of the Indian one; currently being evaluated for the same purposes.

17) Picrorrhiza kurroa: anti-helminthic.

18) Tribulus terrestris: anti helminthic and an immune stimulant; induce apotosis on osteosarcoma (it has Diosmin [ 1134]).

19) Acido caprilico: a fatty acid which is extracted from coconuts and palm oil; it dissolves the cell membrane of Candida albicans and of other fungi. It is absorbed well by the intestine, and distributes itself evenly in the colon, where the colonization of Candida albicans is
more common.

20) Metil sulfonilmethane: a sulphur based compound, it is present in most foods, but is easily degradable in cooking. It has proved effective against some parasitic forms (Giardia intestinalis, Tricomonas vaginalsi): It also acts as an anti-oxidative.

The following help in anti-parasitic treatment: Brassica oleracea, Var capitata, Cynara scolymus (an anti-oxidant, hepatic protector and diuretic), Matricaria chamomilla, Sida cordifolia, Ocimum basilicum, sanctum or tenuiflorum, and another….

Milk enzymes are also very useful such as L. acidophilus, cultivated in the juice of vegetables without lactose and milk derivatives or preparations which are not milk derivatives, these, too, must be without sugar except fructose (e.g. Milk Free Acidophilus Long Life ®, NutraMaxidophilus®, etc).


Note 1: they should be taken between meals.

Note 2: the possible addition of FOS needs to be evaluated (a possible glycemic uptake on the part of the tumors has not been noted), in view of a possible alternative to the systematic use of antibiotics to cure recurring infections in cancer patients whose immune system is compromised (SEE ‘antibiotics’, infra).

Note 3: also Avena sativa, rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Inositol, helps the development of intestinal bacterial flora, and is therefore able, by means of controlling the fermenting processes at an intestinal level, to reduce an excessive production of intestinal gases.

Note 4: in inflammations of the intestine, of bacterial origin, vegetable carbon exercises an absorbing effect on intestinal bacterial pathogens.

Giuseppe Nacci , M.D.Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy